Supreme Evil Vid- GHP

By 2007.12.28 tags: , , . Comment»

Mashups were first conjured millennia ago. Upon their initial public hearing, the people arose as one shouting “WTF?” and “Cut-teth thee shite.”

These forced couplings of different races of songs and styles were deemed unholy alliances. Moses requested “Thou Shalt Not Mashup” as an Eleventh Commandment, but G-d felt the tablets were already crowded. So due to design concerns, mashups persisted thru the ages, reviled, outcast, and living only in the dark places: teenagers’ harddrives and eclectic radio playlists.

Until recently. Now a new threat has emerged. Mashups have crawled out of their audio underworlds and slithered into the video realm. Witness, friends, how the hour is again at hand for G-d to consider an anti-mashup memo. From Mark Vidler’s Go Home Productions “Supreme Evil” (ELO vs Diana Ross & Supremes):

The audio– GHP “Supreme Evil” (3:05 mp3):

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