W.H.O. World AIDS Day![[Benjamin & Uyek- Dat w/o Art]](img/2benj.gif)
The 1st of December
A Day Without Art
Portrait of a Plague (((HearingVoices))) Radio Special
Stories of AIDS Awareness
Hosted by Joe Richman (
- Joe Richman spends "Just Another Day At the Biggest Hospital In the World."
- Laura Kaminsky's music tells the story "And Trouble Came: An African AIDS Diary."
- Stephan Smith gives tape-recorders to HIV-Positive teens in "The Positive Life.".
- Dave Isay helps a dying mother write her son "Letters to Butchie."
- Lisa Buscani's mom has some direct advice in the poem "Counting."
- Krandall Kraus considers returning from the dead like "Lazarus."
- African AIDS orphans put their parent's lives in a "Memory Box."

Portrait of a Plague- Part 1 (27:00) featuring:
"Just Another Day At the Biggest Hospital In the World" by Joe Richman & Sue Johnson. Sister Agnes Ramashiga makes her rounds at Baragwanath Hospital in Soweto; 2000 patients check in daily, half are HIV positive. (Spend a day at the hospital with nurse Agnes in a special Radio Diaries web documentary.
"Memory Box Project" by Sandra Rattley- Africa Learning Channel AIDS workers in Africa share what's kept inside "memory books" and "memory boxes," keepsakes that help children orphaned by the AIDS virus to remember their parents.
"A Positive Life- Tanya" by Stephen Smith & Stephanie Curtis- American RadioWorks. HIV-Positive teenagers document their lies with tape-recorder. In this segment we hear Tanya's story. (There's photos and jounrals from this story at American RadioWorks, the documentary unit of American Public Media.)
"Counting" by Lisa Buscani. The poet's mom has some direct advice.
"And Trouble Came: An African AIDS Diary" by Laura Kaminsky. A compositon for viola, cello, piano, and for a narrator, reciting poems, biblical verse, and stories of Tamakloe, a warrior, tailor, and AIDS victim.

Portrait of a Plague- Part 2 (31:00) featuring:
"And Trouble Came: An African AIDS Diary" by Laura Kaminsky. More stories of Tamakloe.
"A Positive Life- Mark & Tanesha" by Stephen Smith & Stephanie Curtis- - American RadioWorks. Mark and Tenesha's stories.
"Lazarus" by Krandall Kraus. AIDS, for most people, once meant death. Now improved treatments keep HIIV-positive people alive for decides. So whatÍs that like, being brought back from the dead; as when Jesus revived his dead friend Lazarus.
"Letters to Butchie" by Dave Isay. are a dying motherÍs letters to a son she'll never see. We hear selections from a musical narrative by composer Laura Kaminsky. There's a poem by Lisa Buscani, an essay by Krandall Kraus, and we look inside the Memory Box Project for AIDS orphans.

Day Without Art 56K | 28K (5:02) (web extra)
"Big black sheets over the sculptures and over the paintings... =-=-=-= Well, a Day Without Art is a way of grieving... =-=-=-= I saw black over Matisse, and I saw black over Rodin. And it hit me so hard, that is the perfect symbol for AIDS Awareness... =-=-=-= I've seen that virus hit, strike and kill. And I know that I'm a possible target... =-=-=-= The fear of the plaugue is that it would attack everyone from fool to pope... =-=-=-= People go in there expecting to see some art, and there's nothing. That's what this whole things about. It's a day without art, and they're gonna talk about why."
--Produced by Barrett Golding Music by Racket Ship.
Joe Richman- Radio Diaires
Sue Johnson- Picture-Projects
First Voice International- Africa Learning Channel
Stephan Smith- American RadioWorks
Memory Box- Ten Million Memory Project
Lisa Buscani- Film of "Counting"
Krandall Kraus- Book: "It's Never About What It's About" (at Amazon)
Dave Isay Sound Portraits
Laura Kaminsky- CD: "And Trouble Came: An African AIDS Diary" (at Arkiv Music)
Critcal Path
U.N. AIDS Program
OneWorld AIDS Radio
This special was mixed by Robin Wise of Sound Imagery. Executive Producer is Barrett Golding. (((HearingVoices))) specials are crafted from new and classic radio shows. Funders include the Corporation for Public Broadcasting and National Endowment for the Arts. These specials are Free to all public stations (via Creative PR).
Animations from Creative Time- Day Without Art: Web Action.
Top to bottom: Ben Benjamin (Superbad)/Chisato Uyeki,
Guthrie Dolin, Yoshi Sodeoka, Friederike Paetzold.
Audio: © the producers & (((HearingVoices))).