The Great Pains & Accuracy Tour

beedge - 10:24am Jul 16, 2001 EST
Barrett Golding

Seldom Heard

Farrell and guitarUn-retouched photo Farrell Adkins was the Campround Host at Arrow Rock State Park MO. Check out the Incredibly Kewl little-known 2nd verse of:
speaker icon Home on the Range MP3 (2:03 / 2M)

<---re-touched pic| |detail of original pic---->
As we radio folk get into web-dom, we sometimes have to do some quick/dirty visuals for our sites. With programs like Photoshop, even the graphically challanged, like myself, can do a decent job re-touching photos. The original photo had a tent and sleeping bag that were distracting. Using the Stamp and Smudge Tools, I replaced them with grass.

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©2001 Barrett Golding / Josef Verbanac
CPB logoFunding from the Corporation for Public Broadcasting