Series By
Producers For

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Select a series:

Chose one of the above series
and its NPR stories will display here.

Embed This Widget

To put this NPR Indies 1.1 widget on your page/blog, copy & paste this code:

Set Width
Change the iframe attributes
width="200" height="400"
to your desired width in pixels.
Set Default Series
The series-initials at the end of the iframe src url in sets which series will display at page-load:
iframe src="http://... npr_indies.php?hv"
The "hv" above stands for "Hearing Voices, so that series is the one that displays by default. Remove the "?" and initials and no series displays till the user chooses one. Or use these series-initials key to display another series:

This display uses NPR's API.
© Hearing Voices
Version 1.1