Holocaust Memorial Week-
Day of Remembrance
May 1-8 2005
Poem and Painting: Winners of the 1994 Shoah Student Arts/Poetry Awards, Jewish Community Center, Cleveland Heights OH. Other photos courtesy of U.S. Holocaust Memorial Museum.
"Descended from the Holocaust" - Dr. Alan Berkenwald's parents never talked to him about their experience in the concentration camps. Last summer, at age 41, when Alan found out that his parents and their survivor friends had rented a bus to visit the Holocaust Museum in Washington, he asked if he could come along and bring a tape recorder. Produced by Jay Allison with Christina Eggloff, from their series Life Stories.
"Yom Hashoah 1994" combines music and prayers from Shoah services (Congregations Beth Aaron- Billings MT & B'nai Jeshuran- Cleveland OH) with survivor interviews. And it documents the Billings communities united, emphatic "Not in Our Town" response that stopped a series of anti-Jewish crimes. Cleveland recordist was NPR's Rick Karr. Billings recordist and story producer was Barrett Golding.
"Death Marches and Liberation" produced by David Notowitz as part of "Voices of the Shoah: Remembrances of the Holocaust," a project of Richard Foos, President of Rhino Records, narrated by Elliot Gould; drawn from interviews with 180 survivors; available as a 4-CD box set, with a 100-page book of photos, interviews and historical perspectives. Also live May 1945 BBC reports "From Belsen Concentration Camp" by Patrick Gordon Walker.