Author: Hearing Voices/Archives

Chesty- Talent Search 2

The Chesty Story: Talent Search- Chapter 2: The search for the talent needed to create “Chesty” was proving futile until a telex came from Howard Schultz, then an aspiring lute player at “The Coffee Game – Miami.” He wanted to swindle Chesty out of its several millions in research funds by engaging the talent scouts in a the club’s notorious Cappicino Con. Luckily, Massett was a pro at the coffee game, and soon outsmarted Schultz. He won the services of three of the baristas at the club, and was well on his way toward acquiring the rights to the chain when he was called back home. But more on that later. (More Chesty!…)
Larry Massett in Miami

Chesty- Talent Search

The Chesty Story: Talent Search- Chapter 1: Before Chesty Morgan’s Forbidden Love! could commence production, a worldwide talent search was conducted using more than the usual amount of CPB money. With a fully funded planning grant, several continents were combed for possible writers, producers, musical arrangers and performers. Seen here, executive producer Massett rushes through busy Tokyo traffic to make an appointment with the Minister of External Humorous Radio Affairs. (More Chesty!…)

Larry Masett, Tokyo 1982