In some martial arts, there is an emphasis places on exploiting pressure points. Political activists trying to get China to review its cozy relationship with Sudan over Darfur finally found one in the 2008 Olympics. Apparently, it is really a chain of pressure points since Mia Farrow, in an editorial warned Steven Spielberg that he could “go down in history as the Leni Riefenstahl of the Beijing Games,†for his role in helping promote them. He, in turn, wrote a letter to China’s president, Hu Jintao, decrying China’s support of Sudan’s government.
Perhaps the new logo for the 2008 games should look like this:
(or maybe a picture of Hu Jintao wincing)
The latest issue of TIME has a cover story on our worn out military but what would you expect from the liberal media? But then there’s the other Times and I’m not talking about the one in Godless New York City, gun lovers, but rather the conservative counterpart to the Washington Post. In a recent op-ed piece, Robert H. Scales asked, “Is the Army headed for collapse?” But what would a retired Major General and former commander of the Army War College know about that?
Donald Rumsfeld infamously stated, “As you know, you have to go to war with the Army you have, not the Army you want.” (Never mind that you could always wait for a war worth fighting and even then anticipate the troops’ needs). Scales points out:
“The lesson from this sad story is simple: When you fight a long war with a long-service professional Army, the force you begin with will not get any larger or better over the duration of the conflict.”
“That is the scientific answer to the question: what makes the perfect bacon sandwich?
And, no, it is not April 1.
Researchers at Leeds University spent more than 1,000 hours testing 700 variants on the traditional bacon sandwich, which many Britons refer to as a bacon butty (eschewing the term sandwich, said to have been coined to honor the fourth Earl of Sandwich’s habit of eating meat between slices of bread around 1762).”
Justices Rule Against Bush Administration on Emissions
WASHINGTON, April 2 — In one of its most important environmental decisions in years, the Supreme Court ruled today that the Environmental Protection Agency has the authority to regulate heat-trapping gases in automobile emissions.
The court further ruled that the agency cannot sidestep its authority to regulate the greenhouse gases that contribute to global climate change unless it can provide a scientific basis for its refusal.
Gotta be a late April Fool’s joke with this court or are even the Supremes giving Bush da finga now?
Looking for an exciting and unique opportunity in law enforcement?
The United States Department of Justice is searching for qualified applicants to fill an anticipated vacancy in our highest office. Apply now to be the next Attorney General! Qualified applicants will have a law degree from an approved Bible college and will need to pass an ideology check. No applicants with paper, e-mail or other trails need apply. The Department of Justice is an Loyal Opportunity Employer.
Caught a bit on NPR the other morning on “Embrace the Suck – A Pocket Guide to Milspeak.” My favorite term was “fobbit,” which basically replaces REMF as the term of choice in a place where there is no rear but plenty of fortified bases.