![]() ``There is something patently insane about all the typewriters sleeping with all the beautiful plumbing in the beautiful office buildings -- and all the people sleeping in the slums." Fuller proposes not a political revolution but a "comprehensive, anticipatory design science revolution" (he always talks like that). ``We have the capability, which can be fully realized within ten years, of producing and sustaining a higher standard of living for all humanity than was ever heretofore experienced or dreamt of by any. This is not an opinion or hope, it is an engineeringly demonstrable fact." And we can do it using only already mined and refined resources, and without using fossil fuels or atomic energy. (Only after throwing tens of billions of taxpayer dollars at R&D for the nuclear industry, have we found it flawed both economically and ecologically. Fuller equates exploding Earth's atoms for energy with ``burning your house down to stay warm.") ``Humanity's present rate of total energy consumption amounts to only one four-millionth of one percent of the rate of its energy income" that fall on earth daily as Sun into wind, water and waves. Should we invest minds and resources into weaponry, or into "livingry" (another Fullerism). Our Malthusian instincts have led us to create a weapon that can make us, and plenty other species, extinct. At the same time, this know-how will allow to be a stupendous success. It's "Utopia or Oblivion," says Fuller, and we have to choose. |
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I live on Earth at present,
And they shall turn their swords into ploughshares
A Fuller Web... | |