Iraq: Soldier’s Soundtrack
“You got to show people that soldiers aren’t just war fighters, they’re peace keepers too…”
“Home is sitting at my mom’s, waiting for her to finish cooking dinner. All the family’s starting to come over; my kids are running around…”
“They’re not really geared towards a democratic or republic sort of society… the biggest issue will be trying to keep Iran or Syria from moving into the power vacuum when we leave…”
“I think that we’re in spiritual warfare all the time…most religions are the same, they teach about peace…”
“The United States Army can go anywhere at anytime or anyplace…I learned that during the first war. I wouldn’t want to be anybody that had to face the United States…”
“I think the country will survive; they’re a thriving, caring, generous people…”
“I’ll always remember my buddy that got killed, how young he was. I don’t think you get over having a friend get killed for trying to better another country…”
Leaving Iraq: About-Face
Back & front perspectives by Jake Warga. Click soldier’s images for about-face:

Image Gallery adapted from FrogJS by Eric Puidokas. Iraq CIA map from U of TX.