TOW: eLearning Multimedia

The TOW (transmedia online workshop*) is an experimental learning environment for conveying the art and craft of multimedia storytelling, supported by the Knight Prototype Fund. (For now the instructor-led workshops are over.)
Our free, instructor-less TOW Basics is open in concert with the TOW Facebook Group where self-guided learners can post their assignments and discuss each other’s work.
TOW Course Overview
- TOW Basics: Multimedia Storytelling
- 1 TOW: Photo Interviews
- 2 TOW: Audio Interviews
- 3 TOW: Video Interviews
- 4 TOW: Story Pitch
- 5 TOW: Record Elements
- 6 TOW: Rough Edit
- 7 TOW: Story Revision
- 8 TOW: Final Version
TOW Learning Resources
- “Interviewers on Interviewing” (collected quotes and links)
- YouTube Playlist “Interviewers on Interviewing”
- “Story Structure” (collected quotes and links)
- “Narration: Writing for the Ear”
Transom/TOW Features
- “How To Shoot B-Roll” (by Slavik Boyechko)
- “Pro Tools: 1 Overview” | “2 Editing Basics” | “3 Mixing Basics” (by Jeff Towne)
- “The Camera Is Only A Tool” (by Julián Cardona)
- “A Brief History of Documentary Forms” (by Scott Carrier)
- “Edit: Send It to the Basement” (by Larry Massett)
- “Talking to Strangers” (by Aaron Henkin & Wendel Patrick)
- “Interviewing Performing Artists… & Others: A Practical Guide” (by Virtuoso Voices)
- “Signal to Noise” (by Scott Carrier)
- “iPhone PCM Recorder”
- “SHOUT OUT: A Kid’s Guide to Recording Stories” (update)
- “The Basics” (update)
- “The Transom Mic Shootout: Blindfold Test” (update)
- “Walter Murch” (update)
- “In Verse: The Making of ‘Women of Troy'” (update)
* Formerly, the “Transom Online Workshop“. Support by Knight Foundation and Transom; top photo by Tadpull.