Sarah’s Consonant Vowells

Sarah Vowell on This American Life and Hearing Voices

“Sarah’s Dad’s Cannon” Guns October 1997 (11:07)

Pat Vowell with his young twin daughters
Democracy, and Things Like That
Primary January 2000 (23:06)

Trail of Tears (audio at TAL)
Trail of Tears July 1998 (52:30)

“The Old Country” Small Towns April 1997 (14:26)

Sarah Vowell is/was a:

Wordy Shipmates bookcoverThe Wordy Shipmates

“This is Vowell at her most serious, and there’s plenty of seriousness in The Wordy Shipmates. Still, she rarely lets more than a paragraph or two go by without livening things up.”
The Washington Post

Assassination Vacation bookcover
Assassination Vacation

“Vowell’s essays, bookish but funny ruminations on everything from banal Americana to Abraham Lincoln, read like history textbooks you wish you’d been assigned in your ninth-grade civics class.”
–Neal Conan, host of NPR Talk of the Nation

The Partly Cloudy Patriot bookcoverThe Partly Cloudy Patriot

“Sarah Vowell does a bang-up job of being a good American without being a terrible bore. A solid thinker with a warm heart and a smart mouth, she loves the U.S. in much the same way that one loves one’s family (or perhaps a favorite flea-bitten old dog) — acutely aware of its many shortcomings, but true-blue to the end.”
–Douglas Cruickshank, columnist for

Take the Cannoli bookcoverTake the CannoliStories from the New World

“This wonderful collection is about democracy, sleep, religion, pop music, and just about everything else that matters, and if you don’t find something in here that makes perfect sense to you, I can only imagine that you gave up reading, thinking, and laughing some time ago.”
–Nick Hornby, author of High Fidelity

Radio On bookcoverRadio OnA Listener’s Diary

“Sarah Vowell is a madonna of Americana.”
–Los Angeles Times
“She is, I believe, the only writer in America who feels equally strongly about the guys in Hansen … and the Andrew Jackson Administration. Not many writers, especially young writers, have much interest these days in writing about the idea of America and whether our nation is living up to that idea, or ever has.”
–Ira Glass, host of This American Life

This American Life CD coverThis American LifeLies, Sissies & Fiascoes

Rhino Records double-CD release of the best of This American Life public radio show. Among the performers are Sarah Vowell, Scott Carrier, David Sedaris, Ira Glass, Diswasher Pete, Sandra Tsing Loh, and David Rakoff.