Segway Sighting

Seqway rools by on my dirt road
Saw a Segway roll by this morn. I live outta town on a rural dirt road. We’ve seen moose, bear, elk, and deer out our door — not everyday, but certainly not unexpected. A Segway, tho, that was a surprise.

Close-up of bottom of Segway
Check the platform and wheel frame. They’ve beefed up these things for off-asphalt trails since I last looked. He was movin’ over dirt at a good clip, about 15mph. Wonder if they go on snow.

Two elk eating grass thru the snow
Now, here’s what we country folk are more used to seeing. These furry folk were in my backyard. On the right, that’s Elk butt you’re looking at — or as it’s called here in Montana: Dinner.

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