NPR Bashing

By 2007.08.04 tags: , . Comment»

The Daily News Record (Harrisonburg VA) today published an NPR=commies editorial, titled “An NPR Celebration?” It raves over a single word in an NPR piece on China’s red army.

The article is unattributed, and neglects to mention, among many other things, that the idea for their op-ed is lifted, in part word-for-word, from a National Review blog by Mona Charen — whose livelihood is based on bashing liberals.

This is nothing new, GOPs hate Dems and vice versa — their bickerings are what passes as political debate in this country. But what did fascinate me is nearly all the verifiable info (including the NatlRevu source) was provided not by the paper but by the readers in their online comments.

People argue whether the unwashed masses are qualified as “news” reporters. Or must raw info first be filtered by Qualified Journalists, the annointed arbiters of What We’re Told. Having worked in MSM for decades, I have developed an alternate theory: The News is Always Wrong; at least non-MSM sources have a chance of being right. I’ll tell ya about it sometime.

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