National Day of Listening

By 2008.11.14 tags: , . 1 Comment»
Work by: StoryCorps

StoryCorps declares November 28 2008 the first annual National Day of Listening, and offer a Do-It-Yourself Guide to help you:

This holiday season, ask the people around you about their lives — it could be your grandmother, a teacher, or someone from the neighborhood. By listening to their stories, you will be telling them that they matter and they won’t ever be forgotten. It may be the most meaningful time you spend this year.

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Comment (1)

Happy holidays from StoryCorps!

Thanks so much for your support of StoryCorps and writing about us on your blog earlier this fall. We’re hoping to pass on a holiday gift idea for everyone who has done a personal interview with a loved one for National Day of Listening or anytime (or are thinking about it). Make a copy of the interview and pair it with a paperback copy of Listening is an Act of Love, a compilation of just some of StoryCorps’ amazing, touching stories. This provides a meaningful addition to the holiday season and gives that special someone even more incredible stories to read! The book (as well as recording tips) can be linked to at

Best wishes for the new year!

Comment added by Kathleen on 12.18.08

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