We’re on a bike trip right now and for most of June, so things might get a little lonely in these parts for the next few weeks. Never fear tho, we’ll be back by month’s end w/ all kindsa sonic trivia and innovation to post.
FYI, we were pedaling thru the Cascade Mtns in WA, but after getting south of Ranier, we got blocked by a bridge washout and snows still covering the road at 4K and up. So we’re now diverting to the OR coast, which we’ll ride for the reminder of the trip. Then we’ll cut inland to see friends in Ashland OR.
Note: in WA when the Forest Service sez Closed in Winter they sometimes mean Closed till Summer.
Life good on the road, talk at ya soon,
bg of hv
UPDATE: Made it to N. Cali coast. Turning around now and headin’ home (w/ a pretty good case of poison oak). Great ride, cooperative weather, excellent beer (thanks to Jack R Box for his NW selections). Obsessive posting will resume on this blog soon.