Arbitron’s 2008 National Radio Listening Report estimates 235+M U.S. listeners per week tune into their radios (up from 234M in 2007):
Radio reaches 92 percent of persons 12+ each week, despite the adoption of MP3 players and the growth of Internet-only stations. Even 89 percent of the youngest radio audience, teens ages 12-17, most accustomed to using new technologies and forms of media, continue to tune in each week. Network radio also reaches nearly 85 percent of the ad elusive and media multi-taskers Adults 18-34.
Radio reaches more than 94 percent of college graduates ages 25-54. Ninety-five percent of adults 25-54 with a college degree and an annual income of $50,000 or more tune into radio over the course of a week.
Network affiliated stations reach nearly 86 percent of college graduates ages 18-49 with a household income of $75,000 or more. All radio stations reach close to 94 percent of this age group.