Swords to Plowshares

Photo of Matt McCueWhile in Iraq, former U.S. Army Sergeant Matthew McCue witnessed the power and peace-making potential of agriculture. When he returned to the States he worked with the Farmer-Veteran Coalition, and now works at the French Garden Farm near Sebastopol. Says McCue: “I still want to make the world a better place. I think i can do more good with a shovel than with an M-16.” McCue worked with the Farmer-Veteran Coalition and the French Garden Farm in Sebastopol CA, This story was originally produced for the SpeakeasyDC Storycast.

Aired on PRI Hear & Now; by producer Alix Blair, “Swords to Plowshares” (0:00 mp3):

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Comments (5)

Can you please tell me how/where I might contact Mr. McCue? I caught the interview today on NPR and am truly inspired. During the last few years I’ve been advocating agricultural projects in many ways and starting community gardens as well as outreach projects. Sebastapol is among my many travels, so I’d like to see if the good Sergeant could use a hand. Volunteer of course. Thanks! V~

Comment added by Vince Novo on 11.11.09

This is really great that this soldier sees helping people with basic needs is the way to win them over.

Comment added by fantasy swords on 11.12.09

there is nothing more important an a good story please keep up the good work,

Comment added by jack branco on 12.21.09

Nice to see there are other vet-gone-gardeners out there. Sebastopol’s a great spot for agriculture too. Cheers.

Comment added by Aaron Heininge on 09.12.10

How about this for an inspirational quote? ‘ I think i can do more good with a shovel than with an M-16.’ Just saw this story on Youtube. Interesting.

Comment added by ninja swords on 04.27.12

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