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Stories / War

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Photo of new Jewish settlements in the West Bank

Dror’s Mission {format} 21:07 Nancy Updike

Dror Etkes of Peace Watch has taken it as his personal mission to document the spread of Israeli settlements in the West Bank: every shack, mobile home, housing cluster, bypass road and town. Settlement growth is something many people would rather keep quiet. The U.S. has repeatedly called for construction to stop. Dror Etkes is a reluctant activist. He initially had no interest in making this his life’s work.

Broadcast: Nov 21 2003 on PRI/WBEZ This American Life Subjects: War, Politics, International, Public Affairs

Red Cross among West Bank citizens

Red Cross Leaves West Bank 5:30 Nancy Updike

The biggest food assistance program in the West Bank is being shut down. The International Red Cross plans to stop its delivery of food and vouchers to some 300,000 people by the end of this month, claiming Israel has the resources to provide food in the occupied territory.

Broadcast: Nov 13 2003 on APM Marketplace Subjects: Health, War, International

Terrorist alert

War On {format} {format} 3:50 Scott Carrier & Barrett Golding

A collection of voices from citizens throughout the United States sharing their views on the ongoing war effort in Iraq and the War on Terror. [transcript]

Broadcast: Nov 12 2003 on NPR Day to Day Subjects: International, Politics, Public Affairs, War

Motorcycle and truck in rear-view mirror

Vox Pop {format} {format} 22:00 Scott Carrier

"In America we used to say, ‘I may not believe what you believe, but I will die defending your right to express it.’ We could boil the idea of our country down to that one sentence, and it was a beautiful thing. I haven’t heard that sentence in a long time, and I’m wondering if it was ever true. I’m packing up, getting ready to drive across the country interviewing people about the state of the union."

Broadcast: Jan 8 2003 on Pacifica Peacewatch; Dec 15 2002 on APM Subjects: International, Public Affairs, Politics, War

Afghan men crowding around camera

From Afghanistan {format} Scott Carrier

URL linkFROM AFGHANISTAN– A photo-audio-essay; with sounds and images of the streets, songs and prayers of the Afghan people. Adapted from Carrier's Harper's- April 2002 magazine article. WARNING: Contains photos of the dead.

Broadcast: Dec 15 2002 on HV Webwork Subjects: International, War, Religious

Cover of 1961 Life magazine with man in radiation suit

Atomic Age {format} 2:30 Barrett Golding

This Saturday marks the anniversary of the attacks on Pearl Harbor, which served to spur our entry into World War II, and the Atomic Age. Today, debate about nuclear weapons is as pertinent as ever. So we go back to the beginning of the duck-and-cover era, to listen to some of the period’s political speeches, popular songs, and public debate on weapons of mass destruction.

Broadcast: Dec 1 2002 on PRI/WNYC The Next Big Thing Subjects: Public Affairs, Historical, War

Ramallah street with Isreali military

Life Indoors- Palestine {format} 14:49 Nancy Updike

Life under curfew in Ramallah can be, among other things, intensely boring. Sam Bahour, a Palestinian who was born and raised in Ohio, came back to the West Bank in 1995, when peace seemed possible, to help build the Palestinian state. Now he can’t leave his house.

Broadcast: Aug 1 2002 on PRI/WBEZ This American Life Subjects: International, Politics, Public Affairs, War

Nez Perce at campfire

Pains & Accuracy 5 {format} 10:50 Barrett Golding

War: No Home on the Range, Chief Joseph’s Race Track, Brothers Buddha and Brahma, and 2000 miles thru the Himalayas. [transcript]

Broadcast: Nov 1 2001 on PRI/MPR Savvy TravelerSeries: Lewis & Clark Trail: 200 Years Later Subjects: Native, Historical, Travel, War

Classified documents

Radio Liberacion {format} 24:19 Nancy Updike

A clandestine radio station set up by the CIA set up in the fifties, to overthrow Guatemala’s government. The coup success was in part due to power of radio. Or that’s what the CIA believed. For the first time in the USA, we hear the recently declassified broadcasts.

Broadcast: Nov 1 2001 on PRI/WBEZ This American Life Subjects: Hispanic, Politics, Technology, War

Three Flags by Jasper Johns

Ready for War? {format} 21:45 Scott Carrier

"Are you ready to go to war?" Answers by a Wyoming soccer mom, Vietnam vet Green Beret, Lakota warrior, Omish teen, and others met on a trek across America.

Broadcast: Sep 1 2001 on PRI/WBEZ This American Life Subjects: Public Affairs, International, Politics, War

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