Tag: art/Archives

a transect – Due East

Walking, maps, and art — some of my favorite stuff — are all wrapped up in one project, “a transect – Due East:”

A body of work based on a series of cross-country hikes that enabled me to generate visual and written notation, correspondence, interviews and historic research. The location is specific to my homeland in the San Joaquin Valley of California where I traveled due east into the foothills and Sierra Nevada Mountains.
–Matthew Rangel, Project Statement

Due East through Elliot Ranch, 2008, lithograph, 22" x 28.5", by Matthew RangelDue East through Elliot Ranch, 2008,
lithograph, 22″ x 28.5″, by Matthew Rangel

A PDF of the collection is at the artist’s site: “a transect – Due East.”


MOVE” by director Rick Mereki:

3 guys, 44 days, 11 countries, 18 flights, 38 thousand miles, an exploding volcano, 2 cameras and almost a terabyte of footage… all to turn 3 ambitious linear concepts based on movement, learning and food ….into 3 beautiful and hopefully compelling short films…..

= a trip of a lifetime.

move, eat, learn

Rick Mereki:: Director, producer, additional camera and editing
Tim White : DOP, producer, primary editing, sound
Andrew Lees : Actor, mover, groover
Commissioned by STA Travel Australia
Music:” “Play On” composed & performed by Kelsey James (myspace | iTunes)

More info at Vimeo (and on YouTube.)

via ToriTown.

Paper Sculptors Anonymous

Librarians in Scotland have discovered a spate of exquisite paper sculptures, popping up anonymously inside their edifices, with notes, such as:

We know that a library is so much more than a building full of books… a book is so much more than pages full of words… This is for you in support of libraries, books, words, ideas… a gesture (poetic maybe?)

Photos © chrisdonia:

A large version of this slideshow is at Flikr.

NPR’s Robert Krulwich wondered “Who Left A Tree, Then A Coffin In The Library?,” then news-flashed “The Library Phantom Returns!.”

At present the stealth papyrus scupltor remains unsourced.

Stereo Stack

Are you ready for the Wall-to-Wall Wonderland of Dual Dynamic, Kaleidoscopic, Spectra-Sonic, Stereophonic Sound? Well, the 1960s record-label design departments sure were.

Here’s just a few of the scores of Stereo LP banners displayed at Stereo Stack:

Banners advertising Stereo, from LP covers, screenshot from StereoStack.com

Stereo Stack, via Boing Boing.


What do Stockholm, Amsterdam, Phoenix, and Bozeman have in common? Well, they’re all having PechaKucha Nights on Wednesday October 19.

PechaKucha logo: 20x20PechaKucha is “an event for designers to meet, network, and show their work in public. The presentation format is based on a simple idea: 20 images x 20 seconds.” Six minutes and forty seconds of slideshow to introduce an audience to your concept, artwork or endeavor.

In Japanese “pecha kucha” means “chit chat.” Here’s an oh-so-cute pronunciation (by Forvo user: Akiko / mp3):

PechaKucha Bozeman has its first night October 19 at the Story Mansion. Doors open at 6:30p.m. with the first PK promptly at 7:20p.m. (Admission: $5 | Facebook | PDF flyer). Presenters— Presentations include: More…

Steal Like An Artist

Great artistry is grand larceny. So here’s your manual for “How To Steal Like An Artist:”

Drawing with text: figure out what's worth stealing; move onto the next thing.

Every artist gets asked the question, “Where do you get your ideas?”

The honest artist answers, “I steal them.”

Nothing is Original. It says it right there in the Bible. Ecclesiastes: “That which has been is what will be, That which is done is what will be done, And there is nothing new under the sun.”

1 + 1 = 3.

Every new idea is just a mashup or a remix of previous ideas…

You are, in fact, a mashup of what you choose to let into your life. You are the sum of your influences. The German writer Goethe said, “We are shaped and fashioned by what we love.”

The Artist is a Collector… More…

HV106- Courage to Create II

Washington National Cathedral window, by Rowan LeCompteHearing Voices from NPR®
106 Courage to Create II: Interviews with Artists
Host: Russ Germain of Canadian Broadcasting Corporation
Airs week of: 2010-12-15

“Courage to Create II” (52:00 mp3):

The conclusion of this 1978 NPR/CBC radio classic, featuring interviews with artists on the origins of the creative impulse (part one). Interviewees include:

“Courage to Create II” (52:00) Carolyn Jensen Chadwick & Tom Steward

Psychologist Rollo May (author of The Courage to Create), scupltor Ernst Neizvestny (translation read by Mike Waters), jazz violinist Joe Venuti, composer Harry Somers, classical guitarist Larry Snitzler, dancer Francesca Corkle (Joffrey Ballet), actor/director Jeanne Moreau, stained glass artist Rowan LeCompte, photographer Henri Cartier-Bresson.

Produced by Carolyn Jensen Chadwick and Tom Steward; narrator: Russ Germain; technicians: Jim Anderson, Jan Stewart; executive producer: Digby Piers.

In HV’s not-so-humble opinion, Carolyn Jensen Chadwick was NPR’s best producer. She died August 2010; a few remembrances: All Things Considered | The Atlantic | Hearing Voices | LA Observed | Cornell Lab of Ornithology | Morning Edition.

USA Fellow

USA logoIt’s official: I (Barrett Golding) have just been named a 2010 USA Rasmuson Fellow: “United States Artists Announces 50 USA Fellowships for 2010.”

Comes with lotsa prestige, an astounding collection of performances put on for us last night at Jazz at Lincoln Ctr (gotta be NYC’s best venue) by current and former fellows, and a whopping $50K.

HV producer Scott Carrier was last year’s Rasmuson Fellow. And other radio friends of HV have been past USA Fellows: Dmae Roberts, Susan Stone, Dave Isay, and Long Haul Productions. Other good news: writer Charles Bowden, who hasd oft appeared on HV air, is also a 2010 USA Fellow.

USA also has a big bold new effort for funding artist projects — more on that here soon.

HV105- Courage to Create I

Harold Town painting Mechanical Forest Sound, oil on masonite, 1953, photo: farm1.static.flickr.comHearing Voices from NPR®
105 Courage to Create I: Interviews with Artists
Host: Russ Germain of Canadian Broadcasting Corporation
Airs week of: 2010-12-08

“Courage to Create I” (52:00 mp3):

Interviews with artists on the origins of the creative impulse (part one of two):

“Courage to Create I” (52:00) Carolyn Jensen Chadwick & Tom Steward

A 1978 NPR/CBC radio classic, featuring interviews with artists on the origins of the creative impulse. This first of two hours includes:

Psychologist Rollo May (author of The Courage to Create), classical guitarist Larry Snitzler, actor/director Jeanne Moreau, pianist Lorin Hollander, photographer Henri Cartier-Bresson, stained glass artist Rowan LeCompte, mezzo-soprano Frederica von Stade, painter Harold Town (CBC), novelist Marie-Claire Blais, flautist Jean-Pierre Rampal, folk guitarist Leo Kottke.

Produced by Carolyn Jensen Chadwick and Tom Steward; narrator: Russ Germain; technicians: Jim Anderson, Jan Stewart; executive producer: Digby Piers.

In HV’s not-so-humble opinion, Carolyn Jensen Chadwick was NPR’s best producer. She died August 2010; a few remembrances: All Things Considered | The Atlantic | Hearing Voices | LA Observed | Cornell Lab of Ornithology | Morning Edition.


Expialidocious is up again. “Guess Who’s Back In Wonderland,” sez cut-up Aussie artist, Pogo:

After a year producing professionally for Walt Disney Motion Picture Studios, my contract has finally come to an end. The gag order is released, and my classic Disney mixes are allowed back online.

(Old Expialidocious post w/ autre Dizknee audities.)

One Hello World

Logo: telephone and text

Leave me a voicemail and I’ll write music behind your narrative. Call it a soundtrack to your thoughts.
—One Hello World

The idea is simple: call him up, pour out your heart; then OHW scores your soul. The execution is exquisite…

“To Go To College” (1:57 mp3):

This limey really likes OHW. A series of OHW pieces is radio ready at PRX.

One Hello World: face | space | site.

via Zak of SOTRU.

Faces: Africa

Now showing at the Seattle Art Museum a photo-audio exhibit, by HV producer Jake Warga, of “Faces: Rwanda, Ethiopia, South Africa, Tanzania, Kenya.” Features digital stills projection with field recordings:

One hundred faces introduce individuals from many cultures in five African countries, a collection that became part of Jake Warga’s response to his work as a public radio producer since 2007. As he states, “Journalism’s tendency is to talk only of numbers — numbers starving, numbers infected, numbers displaced — while individuals are easily hidden, their unique details lost in the shadows.” He started out with a conventional search for numbers and statistics, but Warga later decided to take a “tree-for-the-forest approach” by focusing on individuals.

Art exhibit poster

Union Docs Fortnight

Tomorrow night (Sat Feb 20 8p) Union Docs premeires a DocumentaryFortnight at MoMA- NYC, hosted by Kara Oehler of HV and MapMainSt:

This is a year-long program for non-fiction media research and group production brings together 12 media artists (including Tina and Shawn) from diverse backgrounds (film, radio, poetry, architecture, performance, photography) to collaboratively create new works. This Saturday, we’ll be screening and performing pieces from our most recent collaborative project – the exploration of myths and mythology in documentary. Partly inspired by Roland Barthes classic Mythologies, a slim volume from 1957 composed of many short but revelatory essays, this ongoing multi-media project seeks to interrogate some of the myths that underlie everyday life.

Following the MoMA presentation, we will head over to The Space in Long Island City for our official benefit after party. Join us for drinks and music, featuring the legendary New York City brass ensemble the Hungry March Band and surprise DJ’s. $7 suggested donation, 10:30pm – until?

(46-01 5th Street at Vernon Ave, LIC. Take the E and V to the 23rd Street Ely Avenue stop.)

Doc Fortnight images: people, stills, text


“Ball” by Ries Straver is “at first glance a simple study of tension and expectations but the foreboding characteristics of the girl elevate it to a level of auspicious uneasiness”:

Ball from Ries Straver on Vimeo.

Photography by James Mollison.
Sound Design by Adam Lieber.

via Soup.

US Artists

Hearty congrats to radio producers Scott Carrier and Long Haul Productions (Elizabeth Meister & Dan Collison), recipients of this year’s United States Artists:

Chosen for the caliber and impact of their work, these exceptional artists embody our nation’s vast cultural, ethnic, and geographic diversity. Each was awarded an unrestricted grant of $50,000 in recognition of their outstanding creative contributions.