999 Call- Having Baby

This English 999 emergency operator’s got a cool head and mad skilz:

Op: Tell me exactly what’s happened.

SL: Er, um, I think I’m having a baby right now…

She then talks SL right thru her birth. The Guardian posted a recording of the “999 Call: Birth” (10:06 mp3):

Op: Right, OK, get on the floor, OK?

SL: Yes [cries out]. It’s the head. It’s out.

Op: OK. Is the baby crying or breathing?

SL: I can’t tell. [Groans in pain] Oh my God. [Gasps] I can just feel the huge lump in between my legs.

Op: OK. OK, with each contraction, place the palm of your hand-

SL: Oh God. Yeah.

Op: Against your vagina and apply firm but gentle pressure to keep the baby’s head from delivering too fast and tearing you…

Complete transcript, w/ pic of mom & baby, at The Guardian999 call transcript: The Birth.”

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