
By 2011.10.11 tags: , , . Comment»

What do Stockholm, Amsterdam, Phoenix, and Bozeman have in common? Well, they’re all having PechaKucha Nights on Wednesday October 19.

PechaKucha logo: 20x20PechaKucha is “an event for designers to meet, network, and show their work in public. The presentation format is based on a simple idea: 20 images x 20 seconds.” Six minutes and forty seconds of slideshow to introduce an audience to your concept, artwork or endeavor.

In Japanese “pecha kucha” means “chit chat.” Here’s an oh-so-cute pronunciation (by Forvo user: Akiko / mp3):

PechaKucha Bozeman has its first night October 19 at the Story Mansion. Doors open at 6:30p.m. with the first PK promptly at 7:20p.m. (Admission: $5 | Facebook | PDF flyer). Presenters— Presentations include:

· Meta Newhouse, Newhouse Design— Mass Meddler
· Ben Lloyd, Comma-Q Architecture— Big World
· Vaughan Judge, Montana State University: Art— Art and Economics
· Carson Taylor, Bozeman City Commission— Imagining the Second Amendment
· Greg Owens, Bozeman Youth Initiative— Youth Driven Community Action
· Dean Adams, Montana State University: Art— A Hot Mess: the artist activist
· Ben Bennett, Massive Studios— For the Masses
· Barrett Golding, Hearing Voices— Sonic IDs (KGLT)
· Chris Bunting, Northern Kenya Fund & Bikram’s Yoga Bozeman— Journeying with Andean Spiritual Master Adolfo Tito Condori

Event organizers: Dede Taylor, Jim Madden, Larry Sterne, Ross Rogers. MC: actor Cara Wilder. Sound & lights: Billy Costigain of Poindexter’s.

More on my talk is at: KGLT Sonic IDs. And on Sesame Street, they rock the PK pronunciation like this:

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