What do Stockholm, Amsterdam, Phoenix, and Bozeman have in common? Well, they’re all having PechaKucha Nights on Wednesday October 19.
PechaKucha is “an event for designers to meet, network, and show their work in public. The presentation format is based on a simple idea: 20 images x 20 seconds.” Six minutes and forty seconds of slideshow to introduce an audience to your concept, artwork or endeavor.
In Japanese “pecha kucha” means “chit chat.” Here’s an oh-so-cute pronunciation (by Forvo user: Akiko / mp3):
PechaKucha Bozeman has its first night October 19 at the Story Mansion. Doors open at 6:30p.m. with the first PK promptly at 7:20p.m. (Admission: $5 | Facebook | PDF flyer). Presenters— Presentations include:
· Meta Newhouse, Newhouse Design— Mass Meddler
· Ben Lloyd, Comma-Q Architecture— Big World
· Vaughan Judge, Montana State University: Art— Art and Economics
· Carson Taylor, Bozeman City Commission— Imagining the Second Amendment
· Greg Owens, Bozeman Youth Initiative— Youth Driven Community Action
· Dean Adams, Montana State University: Art— A Hot Mess: the artist activist
· Ben Bennett, Massive Studios— For the Masses
· Barrett Golding, Hearing Voices— Sonic IDs (KGLT)
· Chris Bunting, Northern Kenya Fund & Bikram’s Yoga Bozeman— Journeying with Andean Spiritual Master Adolfo Tito Condori
Event organizers: Dede Taylor, Jim Madden, Larry Sterne, Ross Rogers. MC: actor Cara Wilder. Sound & lights: Billy Costigain of Poindexter’s.
More on my talk is at: KGLT Sonic IDs. And on Sesame Street, they rock the PK pronunciation like this: