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Stories / Native

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Karzmiski on Columbia Gorge

Lewis & Clark: Ken Karzmiski {format} 3:34 Barrett Golding

Archaeologist Ken Karzmiski works at the Discovery Center, near the Dalles Dam on the Columbia River in central Oregon. On one side is Interstate-84, on the other a railroad, and in between are the memories of lost languages and cultures. [transcript]

Broadcast: Jul 18 2003 on NPR Living on EarthSeries: Lewis & Clark Trail: 200 Years Later Subjects: Native, Historical, Environment, Spoken Word

Blackfeet 39 Wildland Firefighters

Blackfeet 39 Wildland Firefighters {format} 3:40 Barrett Golding

Morning on the The Lewis&Clark Trail: 200 Years Later. Some of the world’s best wildland firefighters, Blackfeet 39 and the Chief Mountain Hotshots, from Montana’s Blackfeet Indian Reservation, get ready for work in Idaho’s Clearwater Forest. [transcript]

Broadcast: Apr 1 2003 on NPR Living on EarthSeries: Lewis & Clark Trail: 200 Years Later Subjects: Native, Environment

Hawaiian musical group, Iosepa Troubadours, around 1910

Utah Luau {format} 5:39 Jeff Rice

Take the road toward the top secret army base. Go past Muskrat Spring until you get near Salt Mountain." A statue of a Hawaiian chief overlooks the Utah desert, with a plaque reading: "Ua mau ke ea o ka aina i ka pono. Ua mau ke ea o ka aina i ka pono," the motto of the kingdom of Hawaii: "The life of the land is perpetuated in righteousness." A tale of two states, lost tribes and Polynesians in Skull Valley. (Photo: Utah State Historical Society.) [transcript]

Broadcast: Nov 1 2002 on PRI/MPR Savvy Traveler Subjects: Native, Historical, Environment

Sarah as a child wearing Indian chief headdress

PRODUCER: Sarah Vowell {format} Sarah Vowell

URL linkCONSONANT VOWELLS– A gallery of radio works, essays and books by Violet Incredible.

Broadcast: Jan 1 2002 on HV Webwork Subjects: Literature, Entertainment, Politics, Native

Nez Perce at campfire

Pains & Accuracy 5 {format} 10:50 Barrett Golding

War: No Home on the Range, Chief Joseph’s Race Track, Brothers Buddha and Brahma, and 2000 miles thru the Himalayas. [transcript]

Broadcast: Nov 1 2001 on PRI/MPR Savvy TravelerSeries: Lewis & Clark Trail: 200 Years Later Subjects: Native, Historical, Travel, War

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