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Murdered body on street with police

Juarez: Crime More Powerful Than Government {format} 7:47 Scott Carrier

(Part 3 of 3) When people in Juarez, Mexico say 'drug cartel,' they mean not only street gangs, but also the government, the military, big business, small business, the upper, middle, and lower classes, the justice system, and the media. (Produced by Julian Cardona, Scott Carrier and Lisa Miller; Edited by Deborah George; Translation and Research by Molly Molloy; Additional assistance from Erin Almeranti, Elaine Clark.)

Broadcast: Jan 7 2009 on NPR Day to DaySeries: Juarez: City on the Edge Subjects: Justice, Public Affairs

Murdered body on street with police

Juarez: Street Gangs, Government Gangs {format} 7:47 Scott Carrier

(Part 2 of 3) The Army invades the streets of Juarez, Mexico. Citizens die and dissapear. And the military may be as guilty as the drug cartels. (Produced by Julian Cardona, Scott Carrier and Lisa Miller; Edited by Deborah George; Translation and Research by Molly Molloy; Additional assistance from Erin Almeranti, Elaine Clark.)

Broadcast: Jan 6 2009 on NPR Day to DaySeries: Juarez: City on the Edge Subjects: Justice, Public Affairs

Murdered body on street with police

Juarez: Shooting Crime Scenes {format} 7:47 Scott Carrier

(Part 1 of 3) Murders in Juarez, Mexico now number thousands per year. Photojournalists docuemnt each one. Is it true that "God has a purpose for this city?" (Produced by Julian Cardona, Scott Carrier and Lisa Miller; Edited by Deborah George; Translation and Research by Molly Molloy; Additional assistance from Erin Almeranti, Elaine Clark.)

Broadcast: Jan 5 2009 on NPR Day to DaySeries: Juarez: City on the Edge Subjects: Public Affairs, Justice

Cabin, fence and sky in the Yukon

Exploring The Yukon {format} 5:26 Jake Warga

The lore of the Yukon used to be the gold, hidden in the rocks. Today, only a few still dig and pan, but others treasures in culture and history still abound.

Broadcast: Jan 1 2009 on NPR All Things Considered Subjects: Historical, Travel

generic story image

Botanica El Congo Manuel {format} 5:29 Queena Kim

Charles Gaulperin is a Santeria priest and the owner of Botanica El Congo Manuel. The shop sells religious items and is located in a strip mall on Santa Monica Blvd. in Hollywood. Outside, it's the kind of place Angeleonos drive by a million times and never notice. Inside the Botanica, are sacred Afro-Cuban ceremonies. We witness one involving the sacrifice of a hen and a sick man in New York.

Broadcast: Jan 1 2009 on NPR Day to Day Subjects: Religious, Ethnic

Series poster

Trailer Park Trash, Recycled {format} 3:02 Tom Lopez

Bernice was bad; she used to date Biker Bob. She beat him up one day… Another ZBS 2 Minute Film Noir.

Broadcast: Dec 30 2008 on NPR Day to DaySeries: 2 Minute Film Noir Subjects: Comedy, Drama

Millennium village project dancers

Rwanda: Genocide’s Ghosts {format} 8:57 Jake Warga

The victims and perpetrators of genocide in Rwanda must daily confront their everpresent, past ghosts.

Broadcast: Dec 23 2008 on NPR Day to Day Subjects: War

Marj Sharrow photo

After The Forgetting {format} 9:00 Erica Heilman

A Vermont family changes as their mother's dementia progresses. What happens to love when there is no memory? An evolution of relationships reveal themselves in these conversation between Gregory Sharrow, his mother Marjorie, and Greg's husband Bob Hooker. (Music by Karinne Keithley. Check Transom for more on this story.)

Broadcast: Dec 18 2008 on NPR Day to Day Subjects: Gay & Lesbian, Family, Health

Curie Youth Radio group photo

Wish We Could Tell Our Parents {format} 2:21 Curie Youth Radio

The secrets teenagers will never reveal to their parents.

Broadcast: Dec 17 2008 on NPR Day to Day Subjects: Youth, Family

Crowded Juifen, Taiwan city street

Travel Tips {format} 4:30 Jake Warga

A travel writer's tips for international travellers via an audio postcard from Taiwan. See Jake's Taiwan photos.

Broadcast: Dec 15 2008 on PRI/WGBH/BBC The World Subjects: Travel

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