Community Broadcasters Conference Revised Agenda:
Thursday, 12 April 2007
0715 – 0800
Badge Pickup
Continental Breakfast
Begin complaining about RIAA and SoundExchange screwing us on webcasting
0800 – 0815
Conference Welcome – “RIAA not really ‘evil’, just ‘bastardly'”
0815 – 1000
Case Studies in New Facilities and how building would have been easier with
webcasting and everyone at RIAA dead from painful diseases
1000 – 1015
Morning Break
More complaining about RIAA
1015 – 1115
Mapping the Boundaries of HD Radio Coverage and how it’s been limited by the
Great Satan of Webcasting: RIAA
1115 – 1215
HD Radio Technology Update and how RIAA plans to kill us with it
1215 – 1315
Keynote- “RIAA is Destroying the Internet”
And this update.
(From the PUBTech listserv.)