HV001- Street Map

Neighborhood Stories logoHearing Voices from NPR®:
001 Street Map— The People Next Door
Host— Katie Davis of Neighborhood Stories
Airs week of— 2009-03-04 (Originally: 2008-03-05)

“Street Map” (52:00 mp3):

A walk around the block:

Scott Carrier walks around the Salt Lake City blocks, talking to people in “The Neighborhood.”

Host Katie Davis, of Neighborhood Stories, contemplates changes at the “Corner Store” on the DC street where she grew up and still lives.

Larry Massett helps his friend bid “Goodbye, Batumi” to his hometown in the Republic of Georgia.

And a modern day Romeo and Juliet is staged, amidst a growing number of homicides, in “Oakland Scenes: Snapshots of a Community” by Youth Radio and poet Ise Lyfe.

Music by Eva Cassidy, James Brown, and Parazitii.

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