Tiny Desk Concerts

By 2009.06.22 tags: , , . Comment»

NPR may be a huge mega media monolith but ya gotta luv ’em for dreaming up this ever so small, homey, humble and intoxicating way to convey new music: the Tiny Desk Concerts. Sit some musicmakers down in front of Bob Boilin’s desk at the NPR music offices and let ’em sing a few — no surround sound mega-amps, no pyrotechnic lightshows; just some folk with their strings and voices playing around at work.

Try this latest 3-song Tink Desk set from The Avett Brothers. Or head right for the Welsh wonder, Tom Jones Performs Live.

Tiny Desk Concerty web banner

And all the vids end up downloadable via the All Songs Considered Concerts Podcast.

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