Butch in Stars

Butch with daughter Julia on her third birthdayRobert “Butch” Nauheim (friend, bro, bro-in-law, husband, father, Environmental Law attorney for the State of Alaska) died Friday after a knock-down drag-out 15-round 3-year bout with pancreatic cancer. As his wife Beth sez:

“He put up such a spectacular fight, that even now it seems impossible that he has gone. His struggle is over. Let the peace begin… As he once told Julia, he’s heading back to the stars. Let it be.”

His was surrounded by his lovely family when he went. His sons, mom, wife, sisters (one being my wife), and some close in-laws were all theret. This from my sis-in-law, Penny:

“It was a moment that was tremendously difficult to witness but completely immersed in love. His boys were at his side each holding a hand. With tears streaming down their faces and their hearts shattered into a million pieces they held strong and true to their father. When the funeral home came later to take their father away each boy went to one side of the gurney and carried him out of the house and put him safely in the van. We watched with swollen hearts as our boys turn into men.”

I’ll see you at celebration of his life: this Thursday July 16 (would have been his 54th birthday!) 7pm at the Hilltop Ski Chalet, anchored down in Anchorage AK.


Photo, above-right: Butch with daughter Julia on her third birthday. Below: A very young Butch with his dad in the California mountains, 1970:

Son and father, both Robert Nauheim, fishing in mountains


Young Butch with a trout on the line:

Young Rob Nauheim catches a trout


Was great knowing you, Butch. You’ll be in my thoughts often.

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