HV076- Small Town

Hut painted with words: Welcome to Slab CityHearing Voices from NPR®
076 Small Town: Rural Routes
Host: Larry Massett of Hearing Voices
Airs week of: 2009-11-03 (Originally: 2009-11-11)

“Small Town” (52:00 mp3):

Spending time in some shrinking American townships:

“Tomato, Arkansas” (4:47) Larry Massett & Scott Carrier

The postmistress of describes her Mississippi River community’s dwindling population. Music: Larry Massett.

“X-Town” (7:35) Sean Cole

Four former Massachusetts municipalities were flooded to make room for a reservoir. But the villages live on in the former residents’ minds. A ShortDocs winner, from Third Coast Festival.

“Slab City” (9:01) Ben Adair

This town in California never did exist, though it’s full of folk who live there: an unofficial RV Park and home to the homeless thrives in culture and community.

“The Legend of John Henry: Steel Drivin’ Man” (27:48) Ginna Allison

Little Talcott, West Virginia has a big claim to fame: It’s home to a famous story and song.

Slab City photo © DesertDutch.org.

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