[UPDATE: Added Paul Rose’s memorial song.]
Lost another friend and great keyboardist, Dave Arnott (Band Universal and & Triumphant, FOG ) died at 49yo.
One early 1980s night, I was leaving KGLT about 3am, and this wild, ethereal piano was echoing up the stone stairwell. Odd, since the building had been closed for hours. Tracked it down to the grand in the 1st floor lounge, being played by one very serious and very accomplished young man. I introduced myself, so did he: Dave Arnott.
He was (as I recall) on a break from helping sound-wire the Student Union Theatre. I sat and listened. He played another half-hour.
I’ve seen some of this land’s best musicians of many genres in excellent venues across USA. But that pre-dawn Dave solo performance, to an audience that had just increased from 0 to 1, was among the most memorable concerts I’ve ever attended.
Music (“Yellow Jacket” by FOG from Rain) and Footage by David Arnott. Edited by Tol. Additional Footage by Tol, Blue, and Mike.
Ran into Dave a few months back. He was talking biking and music and photography, but mostly about his daughter. I didn’t know Katie, but can tell you this: as dedicated as Dave was to art and outdoors, he had become even more dedicated to being a Dad. He loved her so much, and had wrapped his life around her.
Miss ya. Thanks to Dave’s drummer Ken Glynn for letting me share some of their music, including the oh-so-popular…
“Sex on Rollerskates” FOG from Screamer (4:39 mp3):
“I’m a Square” FOG from Rain (3:39 mp3):
“Remember Me” (4:34 mp3)
The above is Paul’s song-only; here’s his memorial words and song (7:02 mp3). And check the messages at CaringBridge: David Arnott (login required).