HV/Series/Episode/ Work by: Ann Heppermann · Ceil Muller · Kara Oehler
Hearing Voices from NPR®
113 Hippies: Flying our Freak Flag
Host: Barrett Golding of Hearing Voices
Airs week of: 2011-03-30
“Hippies” (52:00 mp3):
Tuning in and turning onto alt.Hippie.history:
A couple choice fearsome, loathsome filmclips, with J. Depp conjuring Dr Hunter S Thompson on the subject of Hippie history, from A Savage Journey to the Heart of the American Dream.. (Music: Tomoyasu Hotei & Ray Cooper and Buffalo Springfield “Expecting to Fly.”)
From the VPOTUSA’s Greastest Hits, Spiro T. Agnew Speaks Out.
With the blessings of the Hendrix family and the record company, the band remixed Jimi’s “If Six was 9,” and other songs, into the album If 60’s Were 90’s.
Interviews with Merry Pranksters Mountain Girl (Carolyn Garcia) and Hardly Visible (George Walker); mixed with audio from the Prankster archives and other 60s esoterica. Produced for PRI Weekend America. (Above photo: courtesy of Zane Kesey.)
An educational film on the evils of acid. Found amongst the “Tripping (MP3s),” posted by our buddy Lukas at WFMU’s Beware of the Blog.
Another “Tripping (MP3)”.
From the Harvard prof and acid-evangelist’s album You Can Be Anyone This Time Around with musicians: Jimi Hendrix , Stephen Stills, John Sebastian, and Buddy Miles.
A true radio classic, folks: This early 90s walk thru the Haight district of SF-CA-USA, looks for (and finds) the lost generation of the 60s. Thanks to KQED’s Ceil Muller for letting us share her sound-portrait.
More from the album If 60’s Were 90’s.