Western Soundscape Archive

By 2012.01.10 tags: , . Comment»
Work by: Jeff Rice

Western Soundscape Archive logoThe Western Soundscape Archive houses thousands of audio recordings: “570 different Western bird species, all of the region’s vocalizing frogs and toads, dozens of reptiles and more than 100 different types of mammals,” with dozens ambient field soundscapes of the West remote wildlands. Many of the recordings are are Creative Commons licensed for non-comm use.

Here’s a few of their Featured Sounds – some from HV’s Jeff Rice, a lead archivist and audio recordist for the WSA…

Yellow-headed Parrot, Pasadena, CaliforniaYellow-headed Parrot
Amazona oratrix
Recorded in Pasadena, California
(0:14 mp3):
Northern Elephant Seal at Ano Nuevo State Reserve (California) - Male adultNorthern Elephant Seal (Adult Male)
Mirounga angustirostris
Recorded in Ano Nuevo State Reserve, San Mateo County, California
(0:15 mp3):
Relict leopard frog, Lake Mead National Recreation Area (Ariz. and Nev.); Mohave County (Ariz.); ArizonaRelict Leopard Frog
Rana onca
Recorded in Lake Mead National Recreation Area, Mohave County, Arizona
(1:40 mp3):
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