Hearing Voices from NPR®
006 Radio Dial: Signals from the Sky
Host: Barrett Golding of Hearing Voices
Airs week of: 2010-05-26 (Originally: 2008-04-09)
Radio stories about radio, then stories about radio stories:
“Dueling XMTRs! #3: VOIRI vs. the World” (2003 / 1:01 excerpt) ShortWaveMusic
These “Dueling Transmitters” are an atmospheric found-sound un-manipulated mix of Spanish ham-radio operators, slow Morse code, data squalls, and the Voice of the Islamic Republic of Iran. From the Shortwavemusic blog post “The Effects of Radiation.”
An FM radio station in Uruguay’s capital, Montevideo, is called Urbana. It’s hip, bilingual, plays music from all over the world, and is famous in Uruguay for its 30-second sound portraits featuring the voices of famous people mixed over avante-garde music.
My wife, Victoria, who is indeed well described by the following domain name, sends this link: Bookslut, “a monthly web magazine and daily blog dedicated to those who love to read.”
Concord Monitor photojournalist Preston Gannaway won a Pulitzer for her shots in a series of articles which “chronicle the death of Carolynne St. Pierre, a Concord NH woman who wanted to leave her children with a record of her final months.” The online version is this beautiful photo-audio slideshow called “Remember Me.”
Lord help (forgive?) me, I love this old Boy George tune; and lo & behold, I now find its boolywood-meets-baptist visuals housed on the internet. Originally released 1990 under Boy’s alter-band name, Jesus Loves You with the short vers of “Bow Down, Mister:”
Sundays at the Little David Church in Hayside VA resound with the sweet, haunting singing voice of Frank Newsome. He was featured on today’s NPR WE-SUN. It’s another in the What’s in a Song series, from the Western Folklife Center, “Virginia Preacher Leads Congregation in Song” (5:54 mp3):
Robert Francis “Bobby” Kennedy (November 20, 1925 – June 6, 1968) on the death, 40 years ago today, of Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. (January 15, 1929 – April 4, 1968). RFK was running for president and scheduled to make a campaign address in Indianapolis, Indiana to a large gathering of African Americans. Instead, he had to break the devastating news to them, in what American Rhetoric presents as one of their Top 100 Speeches (w/ text and video), RFK on MLK, April 4 1968: (6:02 mp3):
You can be filled with bitterness, and with hatred, and a desire for revenge. We can move in that direction as a country, in greater polarization — black people amongst blacks, and white amongst whites, filled with hatred toward one another. Or we can make an effort, as Martin Luther King did, to understand, and to comprehend, and replace that violence, that stain of bloodshed that has spread across our land, with an effort to understand, compassion, and love.
Chesty has shoes, no anchovies; Cate Blanchett emotes; 20 times the President’s penis; and smart-ass Sanskrit, Episode Ten of ChestyMorgan’sForbiddenLove! (8:57 mp3):
Hearing Voices from NPR®:
005 Backroads — For Station Pledge Drives
Hosts— The Kicthen Sisters, Scott Carrier, John Rieger, Larry Massett
Airdates— 2008.04.02-09
Two old friends Cedric Chambers and John Gallagher have been caring for each other into old age. After John’s wife passed away and his children moved across the country, John turned to Cedric when he was diagnosed with lung cancer. Together they face the end of his life. Produced by Jen Nathan for the SALT. Broadcast today on NPR Day to Day, “A Square Meal, Regardless” (7:20 mp3):
Commisioned by a Burnley Council, England as part of the Big Art Project; created by the architects Tonkin Liu for a hilltop at Crown Point, Lancashire, England, is the “Singing, Ringing Tree:”
WFUV-NYC, one of my favorite stations on the planet, just added our weekly series of HV Hours to their Saturday morn sked. Very happy to be on in da apple.
Radio stations broadcasting the HV weekly hour series:
The video for the song (in this week’s HV hour) with comedian Greg Giraldo and musicians Lazyboy, from their 2004 CD TV, “Underwear Goes Inside the Pants:”
Hearing Voices from NPR®:
004 Comedy with a Beat—
Comic Bits with Music Beats
Host— David Ossman of Firesign Theatre
Airs week of— 2009-04-08 (Originally: 2008-03-26)
It’s already had 1.7M views and was the YouTube 2007 Best Short Film, but I hadn’t seen it so maybe you haven’t either. If you know someone who has… well, you’ll see, “My Name is Lisa:”
HV doubled down with two pieces on NPR Day to Day, the first— There’s history and politics hidden in the songs of Tibet, which has been under Chinese control for half a century. A music recordist visits during Losar, the Tibetan New Year, looking for traditional music (produced for KGLT-Bozeman), “Song of Tibet” (3:30 mp3):
Another HV on this afternoon’s NPR Day to Day was their second from the ZBS series, 2 Minute Noir. An angel wants to walk on the dark side in “Say ‘So Long’ to Shangri-La” (2:25 mp3):
Yesterday on StoryCorps®— Pinky Powell could pick 100 pounds of cotton by lunchtime. Her great-granddaughter tells her tale of life on an Alabama plantation. This one hurts, “Mary Ellen Noone” (2:15 mp3):