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Stories / Hillary Frank

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Mottephobia {format} 8:30 Hillary Frank

The producer's phobia of moths, butterflies, and bats has at times prevented her from using outdoor bathrooms and watching movies in the park, even caused her to fall off her bike. She found this completely embarrassing until she discovered that lots of rational people she knew had irrational fears.

Broadcast: Oct 14 2006 on APM Weekend America Subjects: Health

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Quiet Kids {format} {format} 4:07 Hillary Frank

Our increasingly loud world leaves less and less room for those who are, by nature, quiet. These people rarely speak up, so rarely get heard. But underneath all our noise and shouting, there are the softer voices. So listen closely as these four teens talk about why they are and what it’s like being quiet. Produced for the WBEZ series Chicago Matters. [transcript]

Broadcast: Mar 23 2005 on NPR Day to Day Subjects: Youth, Education, Children

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