Alex Caldiero, Scott Carrier, Andrei Codrescu, Barrett Golding, Larry Massett, The Professor, Marjorie Van Halteren & [Hearing Voices]
Poetry Grits Glory Verve in this (((Hearing Voices))) Poetry Month special. Host Hosted by Andrei Codrescu, of NPR and The Exquisite Corpse, featuring: Lord Alfred Tennyson bangs the podium in "The Charge of the Light Brigade." Thomas Edison waxes Walt Whitman's "America." Cheerleaders Chant" a found-poem. Host Andrei Codrescu decontructs his "Poetry." Denise Levertov knows "The Secret." Carl Sandburg wonders "What is Poetry?" (produced by Barrett Golding). Scott Carrier presents the categorical conundrum of "Alex Caldiero- Poet?" Ed Sanders poses "A Question of Fame." Host Codrescu gives a play-by-play of "Poetic Terrorism." DJ Spooky remixes Vladimir Maiakovski. Pre-teen poet Sawyer Shetfs lists "The Sound I Hear at Night." In New Orleans a hot-dog vendor, a barkeep, and a stripper get churned in the "Poetry Combine (produced by Larry Massett). "Soldiers Drill" their found-poem. Jan Kerouac responds to her father's poetry and parenting in "Jan on Jack" (produced by Marjorie Van Halteren). Allen Ginsberg runs a "Personals Ad." Marianne Faithful performs Gregory Corso's "Getting to the Poem." Another poem is found in "Double Dutch Rhymes." Alex Caldiero concludes "Poetry is Wanted Here." And a Phoebe Snow fan helps sing "Poetry Man." More audio, info and links...
Broadcast: Apr 1 2006 on HV SpecialSeries: Hearing Voices- Specials Subjects: Specials, Literature, Historical