HV044- Memory Book

Phrenology of the Brain drawingHearing Voices from NPR®
044 Memory Book: Looking Back at Life
Host: Ceil Muller of KQED-FM
Airs week of: 2010-04-14 (Originally: 2008-12-31)

“Memory Book” (52:00 mp3):

Recollections, remembrances, and mnemonics for recalling time:

“Lynchpins” (10:19) Joe Frank

Lester Nafzger recites his litany of lynchpins, memories that lock his life together, excerpted from Joe Frank’s hour Performer.

“Persistence of Memorex” (8:20) Ceil Muller

Host Ceil Muller takes us on a tour of her own memory palace, made with bits of unused tape recordings gathered over the years.

“Death in Venice” (26:30) Larry Massett

We roam the beach with retired folk in Venice, Florida, finding seashells, shark’s teeth and distant memories; narrated by Joe Frank, piano by Larry Massett.

“Remember Me” (1:30 excerpt) The Moving Star Hall Singers

From the album Been in the Storm So Long: A Collection of Spirituals, Folk Tales and Children’s Games from Johns Island, SC (Smithsonian Folkways).

Drawing at top: Phrenology Symbolized, © 1895– by Prof. Wm. Windsor: The Symbolical Phrenological Head, Showing the Location of the organs of the Brain; from his book How to Become Rich (1898).

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