HV014- Fans and Bands

Weird War CD coverHearing Voices from NPR®
014 Fans and Bands:
Groupies, Gravediggers & Rock n’ Roll Singers
Host: Ian Svenonius of Weird War
Airs week of: 2009-5-13 (Originally: 2008-04-06)

“Fans and Bands” (52:00 mp3):

Features a tribute to Bo Diddley (December 30, 1928 - June 2, 2008):

Host Ian Svenonius, of the band Weird War, introduces “The Groupies,” an album of 1969 interviews by producer Alan Lorber (Iris Music Group, Alan Lorber Orchestra).

We visit with the pilgrims at Pere LaChaise cemetery, come to see “Jim Morrison’s Grave” (a sound-portrait by Mark Neumann of Documentary Works and Barrett Golding).

John Denver‘s anti-Christian conspiracy is exposed in the series “Song and Memory” from producers Ann Heppermann & Kara Oehler, with Rick Moody.

And Bo Diddley blows up his mom’s radio in David Schulman’s series “Musicians in Their Own Words.”

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[…] The following post first appeared on Hearing Voices. […]

Pingback added by Ann Heppermann and Kara Oehler » Blog Archive » Hearing Voices: Fans and Bands - Groupies, Gravediggers & Rock and Roll on 10.08.08

I love Hearing Voices.
I just found you guys and am bummed to find that you’re no longer.

So many layers of sound and voice.

Looks like I have a nice archive to listen to though.


Comment added by Eric Sandberg on 10.07.14

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