Author: Barrett Golding/Archives

Part-time Poet

Sez Larry: “My neighbor Rich Keplar is a regular-guy neighbor. He’s a picture framer, a Vietnam vet, his wife’s a lawyer, they have two kids in college, a dog, and a lawn. But one day he mentioned he writes poetry — strictly amateur, never published. So I asked him to read me a few, expecting… well, I don’t know exacty what, but certainly not this…”

Aired on NPR Day to Day; by producer Larry Massett, “Part-time Poet” (8:57 mp3):
Audio Player

ZBS Noir Vids

The ZBS series 2 Minute Film Noir are radio dramas, inspired by a film genre, which has inspired a series of video versions, starring 2MNF’s Joe and Moe. The first is “When Little Girls Come Out To Play:”

Paul Harvey

Nice NPR WESUN report by Robert Smith on the recently departed radio giant:

Peter Funch Photos

Danish “contemporary art photographer” Peter Funch has this view of “Communicating Community”:

Communicating Community, photo by Peter Funch; people in NYC on cell phones

© Peter Funch

From his exhibit at Babel Tales at Denmark’s V1 Gallery. “All the pictures in the exhibition have been taken during a span of 10-14 days from six different street corners in New York.” More Funch fotos: V1 | Getty.

via HG.

HV052- Circus Blood

Circus posterHearing Voices from NPR®
052 Circus Blood: Under the Big Top
Host: John Dankosky of Connecticut Public Radio
Airs week of: 2012-02-01 (Originally: 2009-02-25)

Circus Blood (52:00 mp3):

Audio Player

A world-class troupe of audio daredevils and media magicians:

Host John Dankosky takes us to the circus in “Hershey Park Arena, Hershey Pennsylvania. I was 10 years old, and very, very worried.”

SF Chronicle journalist Jon Carroll interviews his daughter Shana as she hang upside down on her “Trapeze”, ready to fly away; from the Life Stories series by Jay Allison. (Shana started swinging with the Pickle Family Circus, about which her dad co-authored a book. She now flies for Les Sept Doigts de la Main.)

Joe Frank loves the lady “Lion Tamer,” an excerpt from his hour “The Dictator- Part 2” (show details).

Adam Rosen mixes a medley of the many versions of “The Lion Sleeps Tonight” (by Ladysmith Black Mambazo, The Tokens, The Nylons, Miriam Makeba, Robert John, and Manu Dibango).

Circus posters


BBC Radio Love

Book coverFrom “Why we’re still ga-ga for radio” in the UK Telegraph:

The 1929 BBC Handbook was untroubled by controversy. Seven years on from its first cracklings, John Reith’s pioneers were still drunk with the glory of it all. “Broadcasting, that magical agent,” they wrote, “has made available by means of comparatively simple apparatus and at next to no cost the finest things there are to hear.”

Meanwhile C. A. Lewis, Reith’s deputy, spoke of the aerial posts “like spears against the sky”, as sounds were carried “along the roadsides, over the hills, brushed by trees, soaked by rain, swayed by gales … [to] the shepherd on the downs, the lonely crofter, the labourer in his squalid tenement, the lonely invalid on her monotonous couch”. Grim old Reith himself put it more succinctly: “There are two kinds of loneliness: insulation in space and isolation of spirit. These are both dispelled by wireless.”

Article by Libby Purves, author of Radio: A True Love Story.

HV051- Dog Tales

The dog Nippy looking towards the Rocky MountainsHearing Voices from NPR®
051 Dog Tales: Barks, Bites, Best Friends
Host: Barrett Golding of Hearing Voices
Airs week of: 2010-04-07 (Originally: 2009-02-18)

“Dog Tales” (52:00 mp3):
Audio Player

A canine compilation — the dogs have their day:

“Blind Dog” (4:22) Scott Carrier

The producer plays frisbee with a sightless German shepherd.

“Dogs” (3:50) Kevin Kling

This commentator can’t connect with his family’s canine, off his collection of Stories off the Shallow End.

“Dogs in the Yard” (1:20 excerpt) Steven Vitiello

A musician mixes a multi-bark audio art composition.

“Dog’s Dreams” (1984 6:50) Jay Allison

In 1984 people told producer about their dogs and their dog’s dreams, produced with Christina Eggloff for their series Animals and Other Stories, with funds from the New York State Council for the Arts and the National Endowment for the Arts.


HV Survey #2- Pubradio

Our new survey awaits your answers. Tell us what radio programs you listen to. Tell us your favorite radio programs. Tell us if you still listen to radio over the radio, or over that there Intertubes .

Take our short 5-question Pubradio Survey.

Or check the HV Survey #2 Results thus far.

My First Crush

A video just right for Valentine’s Day, animated by Julia Pott, with original music and sound by Christopher Frost. People recall “My First Crush:”

More Julia Pott vids. And here’s some of HV’s past posts.