The lore of the Yukon used to be the gold, hidden in the rocks. Today, only a few still dig and pan, but others treasures in culture and history still abound. Aired on NPR All Things Considered; by producer Jake Warga, “Exploring The Yukon” (5:26 mp3):
Charles Gaulperin is a Santeria priest and the owner of Botanica El Congo Manuel. The shop sells religious items and is located in a strip mall on Santa Monica Blvd. in Hollywood. Outside, it’s the kind of place Angeleonos drive by a million times and never notice. Inside the Botanica, are sacred Afro-Cuban ceremonies. We witness one involving the sacrifice of a hen and a sick man in New York. Aired on NPR Day to Day; by producer Queena Kim, “Botanica El Congo Manuel” (4:58 mp3):
We roam the beach with retired folk in Venice, Florida, finding seashells, shark’s teeth and distant memories; narrated by Joe Frank, piano by Larry Massett.
“Remember Me” (1:30 excerpt) The Moving Star Hall Singers
Bernice was bad; she used to date Biker Bob. She beat him up one day… Another ZBS 2 Minute Film Noir. Aired on NPR Day to Day; by producer Tom Lopez of ZBS, “TitleOfMP3” (3:02 mp3):
The victims and perpetrators of genocide in Rwanda must daily confront their everpresent, past ghosts. Aired on NPR Day to Day; by producer Jake Warga, “Rwanda: Genocide’s Ghosts” (8:57 mp3):
Longer (better) version, includes a delightful woman who started her own orphanage: (10:00 mp3):
A Vermont family changes as their mother’s dementia progresses. What happens to love when there is no memory? An evolution of relationships reveal themselves in these conversation between Gregory Sharrow, his mother Marjorie, and Greg’s husband Bob Hooker.
The secrets teenagers will never reveal to their parents. Aired on NPR Day to Day; by producer April Winbun & Curie Youth Radio, “We Wish We Could Tell Our Parents” (2:21 mp3):
Hearing Voices from NPR®
042 Yes to God: Mother Mary & Thomas Merton
Host: Beverly Donofrio of Nada Hermitage
Airs week of: 2009-12-16 (Originally: 2008-12-17)
HV and Transom just finished collaborating on getting an edited version of Eric Winick’s “How Are You Who You Are?” on NPR ATC. Our next co-project was just posted: “Transom Show: After The Forgetting” by Erica Heilman (who has a resume item you don’t see often: “an independent radio producer and private investigator”).
Th story documents a Vermont family’s changes as their mother’s dementia progresses. What happens to love when there is no memory? An evolution of relationships reveal themselves in these conversations between Gregory Sharrow, his mother Marjorie, and Greg’s husband Bob Hooker. (Produced for The Vermont Folklife Center with music by Karinne Keithley.)
Holiday cheer and holiday weird, a mix of lotsa holiday stories, found-sound, and sprinkling of sampled songs:
A home-recording of a “Christmas Gathering 1947” (4:08 excerpt), on an unlabeled 7″ Wilcox Gay Recordio Disc, was found by Bob Purse. The complete recording is posted at the 365 Days Project, “Christmas Gathering 1947” (6:32 mp3):
Vincent van Rhyn has been selling Christmas trees since he was 16. He’s been on the same Brooklyn corner every Holiday season for 30 years. Or, A Christmas Tree Grows in Brooklyn. (Photo: ccARKNTINA).
Airing this Weekend America: Annie Leonard spent a decade researching where our consumer stuff comes from, how its made, who the manufacturing effects, and where it ends up.
Among the results is a 20min. video, The Story of Stuff (also in chapters on YouTube), made by Free Range Studios, the same folk who exposed The Meatrix.
“From its extraction through sale, use and disposal, all the stuff in our lives affects communities at home and abroad, yet most of this is hidden from view.”
The video came out on the web a year ago and has since been viewed four-and-a-half million times. Time Magazine named Annie Leonard a 2008 Hero of the Environment. Our HV radio report is by Chase Sbicca.
Ben Adair has unearthed a treasure trove of online audio at his new Natural Sound site. It’s an audio archive, blog, and podcast featuring works by dozens of producers on the several series Ben has helmed, the dearly departed Pacific Drift & Savvy Traveler, and the still-going-strong Weekend America.
Ben posted every piece from PacDrift’s two seasons and 26 episodes. This one’s by Ben himself, from Pacific Drift 03: The Markings of Culture, correctional officer “D.J. Vodicka Takes on the Most Dangerous Prison Gang of All” (7:56 mp3):
And do check Ben and wife Shoshanna’s new baby pix.
“‘Leaving the Mountains’ is one young man’s experience about having to deal with economic depression in rural Kentucky, and the reality of migration.” Produced for the Appalachian Media Institute and Youth Radio, and aired on NPR ATC, “Leaving the Mountains by Machlyn Blair (mp3 1:56):
This weeks HV Podcast— Sampling the “Ritual Magic” of a voodoo Santera, soaks in a spirit bath, the producer prays for sex, adventure, and central heat. By producer Carmen Delzell, “Ritual Magic” (4:39 mp3):